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Joke Vegter with Misty Brown's Isabella BIS Regards from Misty Brown.s Merci and Linda summer 2008 Regards from Misty  Brown's Betty Blue and Monika
BIS x 2
M.B. Betty Blue - on her first show
February 2008
Monika with Betty
BEST IN SHOW  kitten
Kitte and Misty Brown's Summer Glow   together. Lilian and Jørn Larsen Ginausetti
august 2008
M.B.Summer Glow
Regards from Lilian
sept. 2008
Misty Brown's Brandy
Regards from Margareta and Mogens of Vallentinos 2008
Misty Brown's (Jenny) Jinx

Misty Brown's Dixie regards from Heidi

Misty Brown's Bimbo with his playmate. Regards from Lene Tange

Julie med Misty Brown's Black Stone ( Lui) Regards from Anders

Felix with his new playmate Caesar looking at Jan -  summer 2008

Felix alias MB. Red Baron want to se the world outsite

Regards from Felix Lone & Jan Namyslo

Regards from Tarzan and Anette Bilde   Engelskhuset 2008

Misty Brown's Desert
Christmas regards from Katharina Didriksen and family

Misty Brown's Summer Glow

Scully and Buttercup
Regards from Linette new year2008

Monica Gehrlein with Betty Blue
Betty has been BIS x 11

Misty Brown's Hannibal & Zander Regards from Yfc. 2008 

Misty Brown's Xanthippe is living with Monica in Germany 

Misty Brown's Buttercup
He lives with Linette and Martin

Hanibal and Zander with their new playmate called Marco
regards from Yfc.

Misty Brown's Merci! congratulations with here birthday - one year.
regards from Linda

Misty Brown's Angel regards from Jolanta dec. 2008


Misty Brown's Summer Glow BIS killing på Cp. udstilling dec. 2008
regards from Lilian Ginausetti  


Misty Brown's Nikitta
BIS 23.01.09
regards from Lilian

Regards from Misty Brown's Aslan and Susanne Clemen jan. 2009

Kitte on a show in Herlev 1. marts 2009 

from Lilian and Jørn v/ Ginausette's Perseropdræt
Misty Brown's Nikitta
ten years old on the pix

Monika with Misty Brown's Betty Blue
for BIS
January 2009
cattery Vom Bremer Rrennplatz

Misty Brown's Xanthippe
janyary 2009 


Monika & Mikael
with Betty Blue and Xanthippe became BIS January 2009
we was saturday on a  cat show.
Betty and Xanthippe where the stars on that show Betty made two times BIV, and
Xanthippe made BIS
And Betty made Best of Best.
  regards from Monica dec.2008

I like Seven Up Regards from Lili and Misty Brown's Billie Jean

Hr Vimse

Regards from Misty Brown's Ooby Dooby alias Hr Vimse and Christina Kielnhofer 2009

Misty Brown's Summer Glow
maj  2009 regards from Lilian

Daisy Bell regards from Stina
Stolen Heart. Sweden
Regards from Sanne.
litter after Misty Brown's Sunshine & IC Misty Brown's Fireball
Misty Browns Nikitta  per e 33
became DSM
it means that she has been BIS x 10

Perle (Misty Brown's Blossom) 8 year
Regards from Dan Schmücker, Hinnerup
May 2009

Regards from Merci and Linda
Summer 2009

Misty Brown's Xanthippe with Monica
BIS x 8



Regards from Lone & Jan Namyslo
EC Misty Brown's Red Baron ( Felix) Namyslo Persians
Misty Brown's Xanthippe
Best of Best
Bremen 20.09.09
BIS x10
of Seal Lions Gameboy per exo 33
regards from Jan and Kai june 2009

Swingtime's Darlene
Regards from  Jan & Kaj--

Swingtime's Fame
regards from Michaela & Michael
of Pretty cinderella

Swingtime's Fame
She lives in Germany
Best in Show
nominiert für "Best of Best"

Regards from Jan and Kai  cattery Seal Lion Cats  2009

Amanda and Misty Brown's Gonzo
Regards from Jane

Merci with here         boyfriend            regards from Linda

Linda with Misty Brown's Merci
Top 5 cat in Racekatten

Kitte BIS pensionist and BIS kastrat

Misty Brown's Nikita
on her number 100 show.

Regards from Lili with Misty Brown's Billie Jean

Called Amanda


Monika Jepp mit Gr. Eu. CH Misty Brown's Betty Blue
Weltsieger und BEST of BEST

M.B. Picante found a new place to hide away 

Regards from Camilla
M.B. Gizmoe & M.B
 Picante have a cozy time. DEC. 2009