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Misty Brown's Sheik
Regards from Anna
Feb. 2010
Misty Brown's Merci
Regards from Linda
Feb. 2010
Betty is almost Wold Champion
Sweet regards from Monica
May 2010
Misty Brown's Ashely (Garfield) and perhaps a playmate
Regards from Birthe and Misty Brown's Ashley
Sept. 1010
Misty Brown's Ashley has a cozy time
Regards from Birthe
Oct. 2010
The first day in a new home!
Regards from Misty Brown's Stardust, Sweet Rose and Dionna
Oct. 2010
Stardust enjoys look at television
cozy afternoon
Sweet Rose and Stardust
I wonder! if the lunch is better in this plate
M.B. Megans (per f) first day in here new home-regards from Trine
Regards from Misty Brown's Becky and Sus
dec.2010 Chamamitosu's cattery
Christmas regards from Garfield
Birthe and Holger
Regards from Santana, Indian,Lisbeth and Allan Christmas 2010
Regards from Misty Brown's Indian and Santana - Lisbet & Allan 2010
Pascal Del Falco D'Oro
PER D 22
IC Pascal Del Falco
Pascal Del Falco D'Oro NOM and CACIB Schönberg 6.03.2011
IC Swingtime's Goldie of Misty Brown per d 33
IC Swingtime's Goldie of Misty Brown per d 33
Garfield (M.B. Asley)with family
Regards from Birthe & Holger Lindhard
Regards from Sonja and John + Marilou juli 2011
M.B. Marilou think she is like an Icebear
Regards from Misty Brown's Gucci and his parents Susanne and Frank
september 2011
Misty Brown's Gucci with his playmate
Misty Brown's Beauty (Chili)
september 2011
Regards from Henriette and Misty Brown's Beauty
sept. 2011
Regards from M.B.Bibbi and Babalou's cattery okt. 2011
Misty Brown's Buttercup he lives by Linette and Martin
alias Jerry
24. Dec.2011
Misty Brown's Little Missy (Pippi)
Mathilde and Pippi are best friends
mums Missy alias Pippi
christmas regards from Linette and Martin
Alfie-regards from Stephanie
Misty Brown's Petunia
regards from Kristine
may 2012
she is now Wold Champion. i am Verry verry happy an i am so
proud of her. :-))
Monika Jepp D.
Misty Brown's Betty Blue
regards from Monika
Dec. 11
M.B. Inka Sun ( Arthur) and his "mum"
Sarah Louise
april 2012
Misty Brown's Inka Sun
per d 21
Garfield regards from Birthe
Garfield and Bluei
regards from Birthe and Holger Lindhard
M.B. Gucci and his friends
may 2012
regards from Susanne & Frank
Misty Brown's Gucci
may 2012
regards from Susanne & Frank Sarong
Misty Brown's Desert Storm
regards from Katharina may 2012
Hi! it`s a great fun!
Regards from Blue and Garfield +
Birthe and Holger
I want to taste it
M.B. Blue
regards from Bithe & Holger Lindhard
summer 2012
Garfield is moving into his own home
I like to sleep cloose
My favorit place.